Fall Portrait Academy Series in Nashville, November 6-7
At Lipscomb University with featured artists Michael Shane Neal (www.michaelshaneneal.com) and Dawn Whitelaw (www.dawnwhitelaw.com). Friday evening demo is $40; two-day event is $159. On Friday evening, the featured artists demonstrate the painting process from start to finish followed by a Q&A session. Attendees can choose to attend both the Friday demonstration and a Saturday workshop with the featured artist, painting from a live model under the featured artist's instruction. Portfolio reviews will be available at the end of Saturday's. Scholarships to attend the Friday demonstration are available to high school and college art students. Availability for spaces at these events are based on a first come, first registered basis, so register early. Please contact Joan Leininger, the TN State Ambassador for the Portrait Society of America at portraits@joanleiningerart.com or 931-484-2998 for a registration form and information.