Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Allegorical Portrait Workshop with Patricia Watwood in Oyster Bay, NY

The Teaching Studios of Art is conducting a workshop in traditional portraiture and the creative process called The Allegorical Portrait, on December 15 and 16, 2009.
The workshop will be taught by Patricia Watwood, who's meticulous paintings have earned her a national reputation and following.
The cost for the 2 days is $250.

Here is a link to the website description, http://www.teaching php/workshops/ pattywatwood. php

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

PS of A Florida Portrait Academy

Are you seeking to push your art to the next level?

Register today for the Florida Portrait Academy !




Dear George,


There's still time to register for the Florida Portrait Academy , featuring Ann Manry Kenyon and Edward Jonas on November 13 & 14, 2009 at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville . We encourage you to take advantage of this exciting opportunity to further your skills and techniques in the field of portraiture.


Friday, November 13 – Portrait Demonstration There are still seats available to register for the Friday Demonstration, November 13th, from 6pm-9pm. Ann Manry Kenyon will give a portrait demonstration in oils, from start to finish, from a live model.


Saturday, November 14 – Full-day Portrait Workshop There's only a few spaces left for the 2-day event format, which includes the Friday evening demonstration AND the full-day Saturday workshop with instruction by Ann Manry Kenyon and Edward Jonas on November 14th from 9:00am – 4:30pm. The classroom designated for oils is almost full, but we still have a number of seats left for anyone interested in using a non-oil material. Optional portfolio critiques will be given towards the end of the workshop. IMAGE: Ann Manry Kenyon, The Legacy, 62 x 46" 


To Register:


Call the Portrait Society of America at 1-877-772-4321 or visit to register online.

(Click here for a registration form)



Registration fees:

Friday Demonstration ONLY - $40

Friday Demonstration AND Saturday workshop - $159


SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY (Limited time offer!)

If you register for the demonstration only OR for the 2-day format before November 6th, you can register a guest to attend the demonstration portion with you at no charge. Upon or after registering, please call 1-877-772-4321 with your guest's name and contact information and a confirmation will be sent to his or her email.


Questions? Call the Portrait Society of America toll-free at 1-877-772-4321 or send an email to


To learn more about Ann Manry Kenyon's technique, please refer to Ann's step-by-step portrait demonstration of The Legacy in International Artist magazine, issue # 69.